A detailed behavioural assessment is conducted using assessment tools relevant to learners of any age on a home programme or school or residential setting. These assessments are used to gain a behavioural evaluation of, but not limited to, social skills, language skills, daily living skills, challenging behavior and barriers to learning.
Some assessment tools used are:
- VB-MAPP (Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Programme)
- ABLLS-r (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills)
- AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills)
Using the findings from the assessments a detailed report is written that describes behaviourally the skills of the learner in a range of domains including but not limited to:
- Manding (Requesting)
- Tacting (Labeling)
- Intraverbal (Conversation)
- Listener Skills (Receptive Language)
- Echoic
- Motor Imitation
- Visual Perceptual/Match-to-Sample
- Play Skills
- Social Skills
- Classroom Routine and Group Skills
- Linguistic Skills
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
- Bathing
- Eating
- Barriers to learning
- Challenging Behavior Assessment
- Home, Community and Basic Living Skills
The report takes an analytical look at each domain and makes detailed recommendations, specific to the context for which the assessment is being done, in each area of functioning.